'自动创建指定的多级文件夹 'strPath为绝对路径 Function AutoCreateFolder(strPath) 'As Boolean On Error Resume Next Dim astrPath, ulngPath, i, strTmpPath Dim objFSO If InStr(strPath, "\") <=0 or InStr(strPath, ":") <= 0 Then AutoCreateFolder = False Exit Function End If Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If objFSO.FolderExists(strPath) Then AutoCreateFolder = True Exit Function End If astrPath = Split(strPath, "\") ulngPath = UBound(astrPath) strTmpPath = "" For i = 0 To ulngPath strTmpPath = strTmpPath & astrPath(i) & "\" If Not objFSO.FolderExists(strTmpPath) Then '创建 objFSO.CreateFolder(strTmpPath) End If Next Set objFSO = Nothing If Err = 0 Then AutoCreateFolder = True Else AutoCreateFolder = False End If End Function '调用方法: 以下为引用的内容: MyPath = Server.MapPath("a/b/c") If AutoCreateFolder(MyPath) Then Response.Write "创建文件夹成功" Else Response.Write "创建文件夹失败" End If
function CreateDIR(byval LocalPath) '建立目录的程序,如果有多级目录,则一级一级的创建 on error resume next LocalPath = replace(LocalPath,"\","/") set FileObject = server.createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") patharr = split(LocalPath,"/") path_level = ubound(patharr) for i = 0 to path_level if i=0 then pathtmp=patharr(0) & "/" else pathtmp = pathtmp & patharr(i) & "/" cpath = left(pathtmp,len(pathtmp)-1) if not FileObject.FolderExists(cpath) then FileObject.CreateFolder cpath next set FileObject = nothing if err.number<>0 then CreateDIR = false err.Clear else CreateDIR = true end if end function